Long Beach Bartending Jobs are flowing! Our bartending school has jobs for graduates upon graduation. In addition to staffing bartenders, we deal with 3 of the largest staffing companies in Southern California. Most bartending schools in and around the Long Beach area cannot say the same. Additionally, we have more Long beach bartending jobs than all the other schools combined.
That is why we guarantee our graduates jobs or they will receive a 100% refund. Ask another bartending school near Long Beach if they provide the same offer, they don’t.
Even though Long Beach Bartending School is not the closest bartending school, we should look at this. First, where does one go to get a 100% guarantee? If one must drive 10 miles further, is the quality education worth it? Who will be hired if one of our graduates is applying for a job against a graduate from another school?
No one except for our school and our sister schools offers a 100% guarantee. If one must drive 10 miles further than the closest bartending school its worth it because of the quality of education. Additionally, owners and managers hire Long Beach Bartending School graduates before any other school.
Many people inquiring about our school ask us, “Why do owners and managers prefer Long Beach Bartending School?” It’s easy, we train you two and a half times more than any other bartending school. The more training one obtains the more desirable they are.
The faster the bartender is, the faster they are able to serve drinks during the period of a “rush”. The more drinks that are delivered over the wood, the more profit the owner makes.
The whole theory makes perfect sense to owners and managers. Owners and managers are in business to increase profits!
We give all our students personalized one on one bartender training to ensure every student gets quality time with our experienced instructors.
All our classes are taught in our state of the art, fully stocked bar that offers the same equipment that you’d see in an actual bar or restaurant.
We offer the most flexible class schedule of any Bartending School in Southern California to ensure we can accommodate our students busy schedules.
We offer programs that allow determined and motivated students to graduate in as little as 10 days depending on their attendance. Contact us to learn more today.
We are one of the only bartending schools in Southern California to guarantee our students get a job offer the day they graduate.
Our team of passionate instructors provides has years of experience and has successfully trained thousands of students to launch their bartending careers.
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